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Unleashing global talent

In the Nordic region, numerous immigrants encounter challenges in securing employment. At Subseatec, however, the narrative is different.

May 31, 2024

Invigning av Durabler

Anmäl dig nu till invigningen av Durabler torsdagen den 25 april! Registrera dig för att delta i vår inspirerande invigning där vi kommer att presentera våra projekt kring […]

March 07, 2024

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New business area in Subseatec

We have from other industrial segments seen an increased demand for good material properties and mainly fracture toughness.

November 11, 2023


Subseatec awarded a second contract within Subsea development in the US Gulf of Mexico

Subseatec S AB has signed another sizeable contract within subsea development with an international energy company to deliver steel stress joints to the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM).

October 03, 2023


Subseatec awarded a contract within Subsea development in the US Gulf of Mexico

Subseatec S AB has signed a sizeable contract within subsea development with international energy company to deliver steel stress joints to the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM).

September 12, 2023


Subseatec continues its journey towards a sustainable industry

The continuous development of higher strength steel grades in combination with more efficient manufacturing methods makes steel an excellent material for the future.

October 06, 2022


Subseatec signs riser joint contract

Subseatec has signed a contract with an international energy company for the delivery of riser joints.

August 09, 2022


Modern steel – the sustainable material solution

The development towards a sustainable future put high demands on material development and need for energy-efficient solutions will increase.

May 12, 2022